Iran Blasts UK Parliamentary Committee for Hostile Report

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Embassy in London condemned a report that a committee of the UK Parliament has published about relationship with Tehran.

In a post on his Twitter account on Wednesday, Iranian Ambassador to the UK Hamid Baeidinejad denounced the report published by the UK Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee about Iran.

“We condemn in its strongest term a report issued on developments regarding Iran by a few UK MPs. This report is not more than advocating regime change through maximum pressure policy against Iran, while the main architect of this failed policy is driven out of the White House,” the Iranian ambassador said, referring to the termination of US President Donald Trump’s tenure.

In two other posts in the Persian language, Baeidinejad said the report published by the committee is not a measure approved or a conclusion endorsed by the UK Parliament.

The report is not going to turn into a parliamentary measure either, he added.

“This report has been provided within a very limited group with an absolutely hostile approach and on the basis of analyses and recommendations from the Zionists and Munafeqin (Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization terrorists) to make the last impacts on the future developments,” the envoy said.

The ambassador also slammed Chair of the UK Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee Tom Tugendhat, who has coordinated the preparation of the report, for working as the mouthpiece of the MKO and the hostile groups seeking to topple the Islamic Republic.

“This report has no legitimacy and value,” the envoy added, noting that the Iranian Embassy has sent an official note of protest to the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and has strongly condemned the preparation of such report by a number of hardline British MPs.

The UK Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee report entitled ‘No prosperity without justice: the UK’s relationship with Iran’ has called on the UK government to foster a long-term, international response to addresses what it called Iran’s wider destabilizing activities.