Iraq’s PMU Forces Kill 5 Terrorists in Babel

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) managed to kill five terrorists while thwarting an attack in al-Oaisat area in Jurf al-Nasr town in Babel province, located south of the capital Baghdad, Iraq’s Joint Operations Command announced.

The command announced the results of its security operations in five Iraqi provinces in a statement carried by Iraqi media on Saturday.

It said the 47th Brigade of the PMU, also known as Hashd al-Sha’abi, carried out the operation.

According to the statement, the Iraqi military’s intelligence service also arrested four terrorists in Kirkuk and al-Anbar.

“The Federal Police Command of the Ministry of Interior carried out a combing mission in Kirkuk governorate, during which it found a large group of improvised explosive devices from ISIS (Daesh) remnants and destroyed it,” it added.

The Joint Operations Command also said that Hashd al-Sha’abi forces raided the hideouts of Daesh terrorists in Wadi al-Safa village in Salahuddin province.

The recent gains by PMU forces against terrorists come amid Washington’s attempts to classify a part of the PMU, known as the Badr Organization, as a terrorist organization.

This is while the PMU fighters have played a key role in fighting Daesh terrorists and in liberating areas held by the terrorist group in Iraq.

In November 2016, the Iraqi parliament voted to integrate Hashd al-Sha’abi into the country’s military.