Iran’s Parliament Plans Retaliatory Action against European Parliament

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Parliament is going to blacklist a number of European authorities in retaliation for the European Parliament’s recent resolution against the Islamic Republic, a lawmaker said.

Speaking to Tasnim on Monday, the chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee condemned a resolution that the European Parliament has adopted on the human rights situation in Iran.

Abbas Golroo said the Iranian lawmakers have plans to take retaliatory action against the European Parliament and impose sanctions on some EP officials.

The member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission also noted that the Iranian administration has been asked to compile a list of the EU officials who have violated human rights, sponsored terrorists, and taken action against the Islamic Republic.

European judges who have delivered political verdicts against Iranian citizens must also be named in the list, he added.

Last week, the European Parliament adopted two resolutions on the human rights situation in China, Iran and Egypt.

The text of the resolution against Iran was approved in the European Parliament by 614 votes in favor, 12 against and 63 abstentions.