Iran, Azerbaijan Move Closer to Preferential Trade Deal

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Delegations from Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan reached a consensus on the text of a long-awaited preferential trade agreement between the two neighbors

Economic and diplomatic officials representing Iran and Azerbaijan held the third round of negotiations on the preferential trade agreement via videoconference.

Officials from the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Economy, and the foreign ministries of the two countries attended the online meeting to discuss the text of the agreement and other proposals.

The negotiations ended with progress, as the two sides agreed on the proposed text of the deal.

The two countries are expected to hold the next round of negotiations at a higher level in order to finalize the draft agreement.

Iran and the Azerbaijan Republic have accelerated efforts in recent years to forge closer partnership in various areas.

Azeri President Ilham Aliyev has made several official visits to Tehran over the past few years.

In one of the trips in 2016, the two sides signed eleven memorandums of understanding and agreements to promote mutual cooperation in a range of fields.