Iran’s President Sends Christmas Greetings to Pope

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani sent a congratulatory message to the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, on the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ (PBUH) and beginning of the year 2021.

In his message to the Pope, Rouhani paid tribute to Prophet Jesus (PBUH) as the harbinger of monotheism.

He also urged the human community to follow Jesus Christ as a role model.

“Jesus Christ was the harbinger of monotheism and a messenger of kindness, altruism, freedom and salvation,” Rouhani said.

“Reflecting upon the characteristics and virtues of Jesus Christ, and looking up to his demeanor and lifestyle, which was always associated with kindness and tolerance, can help tackle the social and cultural challenges facing humanity today, serve as balm for its sufferings, save man from problems and be a path to human perfection,” he added.

“Thanks to the blessings associated with the birthday of Jesus Christ, I hope the evil COVID-19 virus will be controlled and contained in the Christian New Year and man’s life return to normal, and man’s life will be coupled with redoubled happiness and peace and security will take hold across the world,” Rouhani noted.

“I ask God Almighty to bestow health and success on Your Excellency and I wish all people around the world prosperity and dignity,” he added.

Christmas is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated generally on December 25 as a religious and cultural holiday by millions of people around the world.