Iranian MPs Condemn US Sanction on University

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s lawmakers condemned the sanction that the US Treasury Department has recently imposed on Al-Mustafa International University.

In a statement released on Sunday, 175 members of the Iranian parliament condemned the sanction on Al-Mustafa University as a sign of the US government’s frustration in the face of the Islamic Republic’s scientific and cultural advances.

The lawmakers said the US sanction on the academic center, which is based upon the slogans “justice, spirituality and rationality”, was an “immoral and illegitimate” action that runs counter to all global norms.

Those opposing science and the excellence of humanity once again revealed their true face and imposed blind sanctions on a major international educational institution, the statement added.

On December 8, the US Treasury Department blacklisted Al-Mustafa International University, a comprehensive educational institution that provides enthusiasts from all over the world with the opportunity of studying Islamic sciences and knowledge.