Iran Urges S. Korea’s Logical, Responsible Stance on Tanker Seizure

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson called on Seoul to behave logically and responsibly in dealing with the capture of a South Korean vessel in the Persian Gulf as a technical issue.

In comments on Tuesday about the seizure of a South Korean tanker by the Iranian naval forces, Saeed Khatibzadeh said, “The South Korean government’s behavior in this regard is not understandable and is rejected."

“We urge the Korean government to deal with this technical issue logically and responsibly,” he added.

“As announced before, the problem with the South Korean ship is a completely technical one,” he reiterated.

“Like all countries, the Islamic Republic of Iran is very sensitive about protecting its marine environment and deals with any violations in accordance with the law,” Khatibzadeh said.

“As the authority in charge of such issues, the Ports and Maritime Organization (of Iran) is professionally trying to offer the necessary assistance to the ship and its crew, and will inform the public about it accordingly,” he said.

The spokesman also weighed in on reports suggesting a South Korean delegation is travelling to Iran to follow up on the matter.

“A trip by South Korea’s acting foreign minister was already on the agenda, and it was made public accordingly, and this visit will take place in the near future, but it has nothing to do with the issue (of the seized ship),” he added, the government’s official website reported.

“And the two countries have not reached any agreement on a separate visit between the two sides because this issue is running its defined legal course within a technical framework, and there is no need for a diplomatic visit,” he emphasized.

The South Korean-flagged MT Hankuk Chemi was seized by the IRGC Navy on Monday due to concerns of chemical pollution in waters of Strait of Hormuz.