Yemen Supreme Political Council Condemns US Blacklisting of Ansarullah Movement

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Yemen's Houthi Ansarullah movement denounced the US administration for its decision to designate the movement as “terrorist”, saying it reserves right to respond to any US move in this regard.

In a tweet, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a member of Yemen's Supreme Political Council said “America is the source of terrorism and the Trump administration’s policy and actions are terrorist. We reserve the right to respond to any designation issued by the Trump administration or any administration.”

It came after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Sunday plans to designate the Houthi movement as a foreign terrorist group.

The condemnation was echoed by other members of the council, saying the decision will not undermine Yemenis' will to continue their resistance against any aggression.

This US decision, as officials in Yemen say, carries great repercussions on the humanitarian situation in the country which is still suffering from war and siege imposed by the Saudi-led coalition for years.

Saudi Arabia has been leading a war on Yemen since March 2015. The war, which the UN calls the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the impoverished Arab country over the last six years. The US and a number of European countries are major suppliers of weapons to the Saudi-led coalition.

Observers say the US move is aimed at justifying any form of aggression against Yemen and paving the way for further attacks by Saudi-led coalition on the impoverished nation.