Venezuela Condemns US ‘Criminal’ Policy of Seizing Fuel Shipments

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Venezuela’s foreign minister condemned US President Donald Trump administration’s criminal policy of seizing fuel shipments destined for the country as part of its sanctions policy against the Maduro government.

In a post on Twitter, Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza said that sooner or later, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will face justice for such a “criminal” policy.

He ended the tweet by mocking Pompeo over the fact that his time at the White House will end in just a few days.

Arreaza’s remarks came in response to a tweet by Pompeo earlier in the day on the US policy of seizing fuel shipments destined for Venezuela being supplied by Iran, which is among the closest allies of the government of President Nicolas Maduro.

In his tweet, Pompeo mentioned that the seized fuel shipments were worth $40 million.

The US claims that the seizure of four Liberia-flagged oil tankers carrying 1.1 million barrels of fuel from Iran to Venezuela occurred last August.

The next day however, Iran’s ambassador to Caracas dismissed a report from The Wall Street Journal that the US has confiscated four Iranian oil tankers carrying fuel to Venezuela.

In a post on his Twitter account, Hojjat Soltani described the report as “another lie and psychological war from the US imperialism’s propaganda machine.”

“Neither are the vessels Iranian, nor have their owners or flags anything to do with Iran,” the ambassador stressed.