Trump's Approval Plummets to 29% Making Him One of Least Popular US Presidents

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US President Donald Trump's approval rating has plunged to an all-time low of 29%, 9 points lower than it was in August 2020, according to a Pew Research poll released on Friday.

Even among members of the US Republican party Trump's popularity also appears to be sinking with only 60% of Republicans rating President Trump's job performance positively. In August the figure was at a far healthier 77%.

The deadly riot at the US Capitol on January 6 appears to be the driving force behind the president's falling rating.

His refusal to acknowledge Joe Biden won the election in a free and fair manner is also a factor tarnishing his approval score.

For nearly four years, Trump's approval ratings have been mainly stable, ranging between the high 30s and high 40s.

The Pew Research poll found that more than half of Americans (52%) thought President Trump bore 'a lot' of responsibility for the riot, with 23% saying he bore 'some' responsibility.

The president has continued to deflect any blame for the riot which left five people dead including a Capitol Police officer.

During a rally prior to the riot, President Trump fired up the crowd and urged them to march on the Capitol and 'fight.'

'People thought that what I said was totally appropriate,' he said to reporters earlier this week outside the White House, the Daily Mail reported.

Pew found that 54% of Americans think President Trump should be removed from office while 45% think President Trump should finish his term which has just three days left to run. 

As to the future, Pew found that less than a third of Americans (29%) want to see President Trump continue being a major figure in US politics, while 68% say he should now retire.

Trump's approval rating sees him as one of the least popular American presidents of all time.

Trump will join the likes of George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon as presidents who left office with significant majorities disapproving of their job performance.

When Richard Nixon resigned from office in disgrace in 1974, just 24% approved of the job he had performed. 

The Pew Research Center poll tallies with that of other polls that show Trump's ratings in decline.

An ABC News-Washington Post saw Trump's approval rating at 38%. Quinnipiac calculated 33% approved while Reuters found 35% were in approval of Trump's performance.