Sanctions Made Iran Stronger, Defense Minister Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The hostile attempts to hinder Iran’s progress have backfired, since the sanctions imposed on the country have helped the Islamic Republic develop its military industries, Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami said.

During a Saturday visit to a plant manufacturing the homegrown Yasin training jet, the defense minister said Iranian military industries, such as the Air Force units, have gained self-sufficiency under the pressure of the cruel sanctions.

The more restrictions the enemies impose on Iran, the faster Iran moves towards progress and self-sufficiency, the general said.

Describing the Iranian aviation industry as a perfect example of confrontation with the sanctions, Hatami said the restrictions helped Iran focus on domestic capabilities and make headways against the enemy’s will.

The Islamic Republic’s experience of the past four decades shows that the cost of surrender to bullying powers is much higher than that of resistance, the minister underlined.

Ever since the victory of Iran’s Islamic Revolution in 1979, the US and its allies have been taking the country under indiscriminate economic and trade sanctions.

The US lifted the nuclear-related ones among the bans after the conclusion of a multi-national nuclear accord between Iran and world powers in 2015. In 2018, however, it unilaterally and illegally left the deal and returned the sanctions.

Over the past years, Iran has made major breakthroughs in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in producing military equipment and hardware despite sanctions and economic pressures imposed on the country.