Iran’s Economic Ties Entering New Stage: President

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani highlighted the defeat of the economic war that the previous US administration had launched on Tehran, saying the Islamic Republic’s economic interactions are entering a new phase with the improvement of exports.

The failure of former US president Donald Trump’s economic war on Iran has changed the views of Tehran’s trade partners, Rouhani said at a Sunday session of the administration’s economic coordination headquarters.

Iran’s economic interactions are entering a new stage, he added, calling for efforts to maintain the market balance in Iran within the framework of the Central Bank’s policies.

The president also noted that Iran’s economic conditions are improving with a rise in the oil and non-oil exports and the declining rate of inflation expectations, adding that the “angry enemies” are trying to impede or halt such a growing trend with psychological war and a massive media campaign.

“It has become clear to the (Iranian) government that the purpose of the defeated directors of the economic war is to upset the country’s economic calm,” Rouhani said.

In a post on his Instagram account on Friday, CBI Governor Abdolnasser Hemmati said Iran would never return to previous conditions because of the Central Bank’s policies, the ongoing plans, tools designed to handle the situation, and monetary policies to eliminate the budget deficit.

The top banker said the precious experience of nullifying the sanctions gained by the Central Bank, Oil Ministry and private sector has provided suitable conditions for foreign trade and the growth of national production even if the sanctions continue.