US Establishing New Military Base in Syria’s Hasakah: Report

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The US forces have begun building a new military base in al-Yaroubia area in Hasaka, Syria, according to Syrian media.

Citing local sources on Thursday the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that the US occupation forces are also deploying logistic materials and military equipment in the area.

The news agency said 10 military troop carriers were brought to al-Malikiyah city in northeast of Hasaka to be moved to al-Yaroubia area near the Iraqi border.

The United States claims its forces are there to “fight terrorism,” but Syria says Washington is plundering its oil.

Since late October 2019, the United States has been redeploying troops to the oilfields controlled by Kurdish forces in eastern Syria, in a reversal of former President Donald Trump’s earlier order to withdraw all troops from the country.

On July 30, 2020, and during his testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed for the first time that an American oil company would begin work in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)-controlled northeastern Syria.