Iran to Return to JCPOA Commitments If All US Sanctions Lifted in Practice: Leader

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said Iran will resume honoring the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in full only after the US has removed all sanctions on Tehran in a practical and verifiable manner.

Addressing a group of Iran’s Air Force commanders on Sunday, Ayatollah Khamenei made it clear for the US and the three European parties to the 2015 nuclear deal that Iran’s return to its JCPOA commitments will depend on the full and practical removal of the American sanctions.

Afterwards, Iran will verify whether the sanctions have been terminated correctly or not, and then it will return to the JCPOA commitments, Ayatollah Khamenei stressed.

This is the definite policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran that is agreed upon by all authorities, the Leader noted, emphasizing that Tehran will not back off from this policy.

Ayatollah Khamenei argued that the US and the EU3, who violated all of their JCPOA commitments, have no right to set conditions for Iran.

The party that has a right to set conditions is Iran, the Leader said, adding that the Islamic Republic honored all of its undertakings under the nuclear deal.

The Leader also highlighted the US’ miscalculation in dealing with Iran, saying, “The US miscalculated in understanding the Iranian nation during the 1979 Revolution, and so they failed. During the 2009 sedition, the Democratic president (Barack Obama) backed the sedition. Trump failed in his maximum pressure policy too. They're still miscalculating.

“One of the ‘first-rate fools’ in the Trump administration had said they would celebrate New Year 2019 in Tehran! He was thrown into history’s trash can. His boss was also kicked into history’s trash can, while the Islamic Republic is standing strong,” the Leader said, according to

On the termination of the previous US administration’s tenure, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “One should know the US properly. Their recent events were a fiasco. Trump’s fall wasn't just the fall of an unfit president. It was the decline of US power and social order. Speaking of US’s decline from within and the start of a post-US era are the words of US experts, not ours.

 “The US is truly declining, and this has distressed and stunned some of their allies in the region. The Zionist officials’ nonsense stems from their fear of the US domestic situation and they’ve realized this well. The world is watching US power decline internally and internationally,” Ayatollah Khamenei underlined.