Venezuelan Demonstrators Show Support for President Maduro (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Thousands of Venezuelan demonstrators took to the streets of Caracas on Friday to show their support for the government of Nicolas Maduro.

Protesters were seen holding signs and Venezuelan flags while marching towards the Miraflores Palace, where Maduro gave a speech.

"We have been denouncing the illegal sanctions of the United States government against all the people of Venezuela," he said, adding that his government has acted "to mitigate the brutal impact that these coercive measures have had on the social, cultural, educational and economic life of our people."

He also had a few words for former US president Donald Trump, stressing that "Trump is gone and Venezuela is left standing here, victorious, looking to the future".

The march took place on the same day that groups of young people and students took part in anti-government protests promoted by opposition leader Juan Guaido.