IRGC: Israel to Get Response for Mischief

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps warned the Zionist regime that it will definitely get its comeuppance for criminal actions against the Iranian nation.

In comments at a meeting of Basij officials on Monday, Brigadier General Ramezan Sharif condemned the Israeli regime’s rogue measures against the Iranian nation, scientists and elites.

“The usurping and fake Zionist regime will certainly receive the response for its mischievous acts,” he said.

The enemy’s full-blown confrontation with the Islamic Republic proves the formation of a massive power in Iran, the general stated, adding that the recent developments attest to the downfall of Westerners and the US’ failure to enforce hegemony.

Last week, Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations dismissed the Israeli rhetoric of military action against Tehran, saying the Islamic Republic is ready for a crushing response to any threat.