COVID Vaccination Alone Not Enough, Sanctions Must End: Iran UN Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations said the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines would not suffice to tackle the pandemic across the globe, calling for the termination of the unilateral and inhumane sanctions against the nations.

Addressing a meeting on the equitable distribution of vaccines against the coronavirus in the UN Security Council on Wednesday, Majid Takht Ravanchi emphasized that the vaccination programs must be coupled with other measures to help the developing countries.

Above all, unilateral sanctions must end immediately and the inhumane blockade on regions like Yemen and Gaza must be lifted, he added.

The envoy also noted that the illegal US sanctions have frozen Iran’s foreign assets and have impaired the country’s ability to support the companies and private sectors hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

In order to tackle the pandemic, it is necessary to assist the developing countries, produce a sufficient supply of vaccine and distribute it to all nations in a fair manner, and terminate the sanctions, the ambassador said.

Coronavirus is the common enemy of humanity that affects all people regardless of their race and nationality, Takht Ravanchi added, urging collective cooperation and solidarity among all nations to overcome the challenge.

The meeting was organized to discuss the role of the Security Council, Member States and the United Nations in ensuring that vaccines are made available equitably in places affected by conflict and insecurity.