Iranian President: Distribution of Coronavirus Vaccines Unfair

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – President Hassan Rouhani urged the people of Iran to keep observing the health protocols amid the coronavirus pandemic considering the limited vaccine output and its uneven distribution in the world.

In remarks at a meeting of the Coronavirus Fight National Headquarters on Saturday, the president cautioned people to avoid underestimating the situation and continue to abide by the COVID-19 restrictions.

“People should keep in mind that the production of (coronavirus) vaccine in the world has limitations and it is not possible to produce vaccine for the whole population. Moreover, the distribution of vaccine is not fair either,” he noted, stressing that vaccine rollouts would not mean an end to the challenge.

He called on the Iranians to maintain the lifestyle under the pandemic for one more year, warning them to avoid planning any trip during the upcoming Nowruz (new year) holidays at the beginning of spring.

Travels to the Iranian cities categorized as red and orange zones will be prohibited during the new year’s holidays, the president noted.

The Health Ministry has formulated plans to restrict travels during Nowruz, which will begin on March 21. People have been advised to stay home and exercise caution as a new strain of COVID-19, first found in the UK, is spreading in Iran.

Iran has developed two homegrown coronavirus vaccines that are undergoing clinical trials.

Officials say Tehran will receive around 16 million doses of vaccines through the World Health Organization's COVAX program, import more than 25 million doses from abroad, and produce 25 million other doses inside the country.