Iran Urges Iraq to Release Frozen Assets

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on Iraq to live up to its promise to unblock billions of dollars in assets belonging to the Islamic Republic.

In a telephone conversation with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi on Saturday, Rouhani pointed to billions of dollars of Iranian assets frozen illegally in Iraqi banks and emphasized that the financial resources should be released as soon as possible.

He also noted that improvement of economic relations between the two countries in parallel with political ties is very significant given both sides’ great capacities, and stressed the importance of bolstering Tehran-Baghdad cooperation in all fields.

Reaffirming Iran’s opposition to any foreign interference in Iraq, Rouhani said security, integrity, peace and tranquility in the Arab state are among top priorities of the Islamic Republic.

“We oppose any foreign interference in Iraq’s internal affairs and consider it a detriment to this country and the entire region,” Press TV quoted him as saying.

The Iranian president added that the presence of US troops in the regional countries, including Iraq, is the cause of instability and insecurity, saying, “The Americans have always played a destructive role in the region.”

He emphasized that speedy implementation of legislation by the Iraqi parliament on expulsion of American forces from Iraq can “help restore peace, stability and tranquility to the country and the region.”

The Iranian president finally stressed that the regional issues should be settled by countries in the region and expressed Tehran’s readiness to cooperate with regional states toward promotion of security and peace.

The Iraqi prime minister, for his part, commended Iran’s assistance in the establishment of security and stability in his country and said the United States has imposed illegal and cruel sanctions both on Tehran and Baghdad.

Kadhimi also noted that Baghdad would do its utmost to lift the sanctions against Iran, saying a special committee has been set up in Iraq to facilitate transit of commodities with Iran.