Iran’s Defense Minister Warns Israel against Making Any Wrong Move

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Defense Minister of Iran Brigadier General Amir Hatami warned the Zionist regime that the mistake of carrying out threats against the Islamic Republic would result in Haifa and Tel Aviv being turned into rubble.

Addressing a conference in Tehran on Sunday, General Hatami dismissed the Zionist regime’s threats against Iran, saying they reveal Israel’s frustration.

The Israeli regime thinks it is threatening Iran, but it is mindful that a wrong move will lead to Iran razing Haifa and Tel Aviv to the ground, he warned.

Iran has now all dimensions of power to preserve its stability, including the soft power, which in turn involves the axis of resistance and the regional power, the minister noted.

A few weeks ago, the spokesperson for the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps warned the Zionist regime that it will definitely get its comeuppance for criminal actions against the Iranian nation.

In February, Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations dismissed the Israeli rhetoric of military action against Tehran, saying the Islamic Republic is ready for a crushing response to any threat.