Ma’rib Main Front for US-Saudi Aggression against Yemen: Houthi

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said the country’s army and Popular Committees are fighting in Ma’rib against the US-Saudi aggression as they have turned it into a main front for the aggression.

In a speech Wednesday on the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Sayyed Hussein Al-Houthi, a former Ansarullah leader, he said that since the beginning of the US-Saudi aggression, the enemies have turned Ma’rib into a main front for their aggression, and moved in it militarily with their armies from various countries and Takfiri groups.

Houthi stated that Ma’rib front did not have any truce since the beginning of the aggression.  He emphasized that the achieved victories in Ma’rib bothered the Americans to express their concern and demand an end to the progress.

With regard to the displaced, he said that the presence of millions of displaced people in Ma’rib is a big lie, there are a number of displaced camps that “we care about and are not in the context of targeting”.

He underlined that the militant camps are not camps for the displaced, al-Masirah reported.

Houthi also said the United States was hatching a plot to target his country, just like what it did with Iraq and Afghanistan.

“Yemen is one of the countries targeted by the US conspiracy and as admitted by US leaders, they put Yemen on the list of target countries after Afghanistan and Iraq,” he said.

He added that the strategic position of Yemen and its resources prompted the US to target the country, noting “US invasion of our country is …. full-fledged and if our nation abdicates its responsibility to counter this conspiracy, it means that it has surrendered.”

Houthi said the US came to Yemen under the pretext of training the Yemeni Army troops and then it started building bases to increase its dominance over the country.  

The Yemeni leader also slammed Israel and the West for propagating Takfiri terrorism with the aim of gaining control in the region.

He said “Takfiri groups are operating in parallel with a US-led Western scheme to deceive nations under the guise of fighting terrorism.” 

“Takfiris are created to help achieve the US hegemonic goals and they operate according to American goals,” he added.

Pointing to the crimes committed by the al-Qaeda Takfiri terrorist group in different countries, including Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq, the Ansarullah leader said only the Israeli regime has been immune to their attacks, arguing that the Takfiris have been operating according to the wishes of the Zionist regime.

Houthi also criticized some regional countries for pursuing Washington’s policies, expressing regret that they are willfully accepting US hegemony.