Russia’s Lavrov to Visit Iran for Political Talks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Foreign Minister of Russia Sergei Lavrov will come to Tehran on April 13 for talks about the bilateral relations, the regional developments, and the ways to deal with the unilateral US sanctions, Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson said.

The senior Russian diplomat will be visiting Tehran at the invitation of his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif as part of political consultations between the two foreign ministers, Saeed Khatibzadeh said Thursday.

Zarif and Lavrov are going to discuss various topics, including Tehran-Moscow ties and the regional issues, particularly the latest developments in the Caucasus, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan.

According to the spokesman, the two foreign ministers will also talk about cooperation between Iran and Russia in the regional and international organizations, and the other major issues such as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and confrontation with the US’ unilateral measures and illegal sanctions.

Lavrov’s visit comes after Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement in late January that Moscow is ready to further cement its “beneficial” cooperation with Tehran.

“The gradual development of mutually beneficial cooperation as well as further consolidation of significant potentials of Russia and Iran will not only have a positive impact on both countries’ conditions, but also improve the situation in the South Caucasus and the Middle East while ensuring peace and stability in those regions," the Russian ministry’s statement said.