JCPOA Parties Agree to Continue Technical Talks Including Experts

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The latest session of the Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action came to an end in Vienna on Thursday as the participants agreed to proceed with the technical negotiations at the expert-level meetings.

Upon a decision at the conclusion of the JCPOA Joint Commission meeting in Austria, the meetings of two expert groups that had been in progress in parallel since last week for technical consultations about the removal of sanctions and the nuclear issues will continue.  

The results of the meetings of those two expert groups about the technical issues regarding the removal of sanctions and the nuclear issues will be submitted to the JCPOA Joint Commission.

At the beginning of the JCPOA Joint Commission meeting on Thursday, head of the Iranian team of negotiators, Abbas Araqchi, condemned a recent act of sabotage in Iran’s Natanz nuclear site, strongly deplored the European countries’ limp reaction to the incident, and emphasized that the JCPOA parties must condemn such attack unanimously and without political considerations, which he slammed as a clear example of nuclear terrorism and violation of the international law.

Araqchi also made it clear that Iran does not seek talks of attrition or a waste of time in the negotiations, stressing that the negotiations must be held within a definite framework and acceptable period of time.

The Iranian deputy foreign minister also pointed to Tehran’s decision to start uranium enrichment to 60% purity level, saying such move has been taken according to Iran’s rights under the Articles 26 and 36 of the JCPOA and with the purpose of meeting the country’s demands in the medical sector.

The negotiations were held merely within the framework of the JCPOA with representatives from Iran and the 4+1 group in attendance.

As announced before, no US delegate has been present in any of the meetings of the joint commission or relevant expert meetings.

Moreover, no direct or indirect talks with the US are on the agenda of the Iranian negotiating team.

The meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission was slated to kick off on April 14, 2021, but it was put off until April 15 as one of the members of the European delegation had contracted the coronavirus.

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