Iran Rejects Talks of Attrition in JCPOA Meetings: Top Negotiator

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araqchi emphasized that Tehran will not allow anybody to kill the time or turn the latest round of negotiations held in Vienna to revive the 2015 nuclear deal into talks of attrition.

Speaking to reporters after conclusion of a Tuesday meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission in Vienna, Araqchi made it clear that Tehran is not going to allow the negotiations to become talks of attrition.

“We are trying to reach a conclusion on the set of measures that the US must take to lift all sanctions, verify them, and then Iran will take its respective measures,” the top Iranian negotiator added.

Although the negotiations are tough, Iran will not allow anybody to kill the time or protract the negotiations, he added, stressing that Iran, however, would not hold negotiations in a rush.

Following the Tuesday talks, Deputy Secretary-General for Political Affairs of the European External Action Service Enrique Mora issued a statement, saying the participants took stock of progress made in the ongoing discussions in Vienna regarding specific measures needed in terms of sanctions lifting and nuclear implementation for the possible return of the US to the JCPOA and its full and effective implementation.

“The Joint Commission decided to create a third expert group to start looking into the possible sequencing of respective measures,” the statement added.

The JCPOA Joint Commission will hold another meeting next week.