Iranian COVID Vaccine Undergoes 3rd Phase of Clinical Trials

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran on Sunday began the third phase of clinical trials with its homegrown coronavirus vaccine financed by the Barakat Foundation.

COVIran Barekat, named after the pharmaceutical group that developed it, was administered to three volunteers at a ceremony in Tehran’s Eram Hotel on Sunday.

Among the volunteers was Minoo Mohraz, a member of Iran’s national coronavirus taskforce and an infectious diseases specialist.

The third stage of the vaccine’s human trial involves 20,000 people in the cities of Tehran, Bushehr, Shiraz, Karaj, Mashhad and Isfahan, Press TV reported.

In a post on his Twitter account, head of the EOIK public relations, Hojjat Niki Maleki, said more than 32,000 people have expressed willingness to participate in the vaccine’s clinical trial.

The COVIran vaccine went into human trial on December 29, 2020, after successfully completing the initial steps, including tests on animals, and obtaining necessary approvals.