Leaked Audio of Zarif’s Interview Stolen: Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian administration said the leaked recording of Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif’s interview had been stolen, adding that the Intelligence Ministry has been assigned to identify those behind the plot.

Speaking to reporters at a weekly press conference on Tuesday, Ali Rabiee said the stealing of the audio from Zarif’s interview in March is part of a plot against the Iranian establishment, administration, domestic unity, and national interests.

“The file of interview with Mr. Zarif has been stolen for absolutely clear reasons, the aspects of which are still unknown, by individuals whose identities are being investigated,” the spokesman noted, saying the leaked audio has been broadcast by a hostile television channel that is run by petrodollars and is a fervent supporter of anti-Iran sanctions and suffering of Iranian people.

Rabiee also noted that President Hassan Rouhani has ordered the Intelligence Ministry to identify the people behind the plot, adding that Zarif will be giving the necessary explanations after returning from a visit to Iraq in order to clear up the misunderstanding.

The leaked interview, first published by Saudi-sponsored TV channel Iran International, includes more than three hours of audio from Zarif’s interview in March with Iranian journalist and economist Saeed Laylaz.

Iranian officials said the interview was part of an oral history project compiled by the Presidential Office’s Center for Strategic Studies.