Iran, Russia, China Insist on Removal of US Sanctions ahead of JCPOA Meeting

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The heads of the Iranian, Russian and Chinese delegations emphasized that the US must terminate the sanctions on Tehran all at once as the JCPAO parties have reconvened in Austria for talks on a possible US return to the 2015 nuclear deal.

The directors of the Iranian, Russian and Chinese teams of negotiators held a trilateral coordination meeting in Vienna on Tuesday as the JCPOA Joint Commission is going to resume its meetings.

Participants in the tripartite gathering reviewed the latest conditions relating to the possible return of the US to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), stressing that the termination of the US sanctions against Iran, all at once, is the necessary precondition for Washington to rejoin the nuclear deal.

The top negotiators also highlighted the full coordination among the three delegations, and stressed the need for continued consultations as well as serious and regular coordination among Iran, China and Russia in the course of the new round of JCPOA talks.

The latest round of JCPOA Joint Commission meetings began in Vienna on April 6 between Iran and the remaining members of the nuclear deal, namely the UK, France, Russia and China plus Germany.

The US left the JCPOA in 2018 and restored the economic sanctions that the accord had lifted. Tehran retaliated with remedial nuclear measures that it is entitled to take under the JCPOA’s Paragraph 36.

The current negotiations examine the potential of revitalization of the nuclear deal and the US’ possible return to it.