Iraqi Leader Calls Int'l Quds Day Reminder of Oppression of Palestine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – In a message on the occasion of the International Quds Day, Leader of Iraq’s National Wisdom Movement Seyed Ammar al-Hakim said that the Al-Quds Day is a reminder to oppression of Palestine and is deeply ingrained in the consciences.

Hakim said that the day is an opportunity to renew the covenant with the first issue of Muslims and Arabs.

The leader of Iraq's National Wisdom Movement stressed that the problem of Al-Quds and its stolen lands affects not only the Palestinian people, but also all Muslims, Arabs, and all free nations around the world.

In his message, Hakim said that the topic of Quds is still alive and well in people's hearts and minds in the aftermath of the events. It is Quds that unites us and sets our priorities.

The Late Imam Khomeini called on all Muslims and Islamic governments to cut off hands of the Zionist occupiers and their supporters from the Palestinian lands, elaborating that the last Friday of Ramadan comes after the holy nights of destiny, and hoping that the sequence can determine the fate of the oppressed people of Palestine whose homeland has been occupied by the Zionist regime.