Iran Condemns Attack on Consulate in Iraq’s Karbala

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited the Iraqi ambassador to Tehran in protest at a recent attack on the Islamic Republic’s consulate in the city of Karbala.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has taken a series of measures since Sunday night when a group of rioters attacked the country’s consulate in Karbala.

In the Monday meeting with the Iraqi envoy to Tehran, the director-general of the Foreign Ministry's Protocols Department condemned the attack, and urged the Baghdad government to maintain security measures and arrangements in order to protect Iran's diplomatic sites according to the 1963 Vienna Convention.

The ambassador, in turn, said the Iraqi government, as the host nation, is committed to ensuring the security and safety of the sites of foreign missions.

Later in the evening, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called his Iraqi counterpart, Fuad Hussein, communicating Iran’s stern protest over the incident, “which contravenes all diplomatic regulations as well as the 1963 Vienna Convention.”

Reminding his Iraqi counterpart of the responsibility of the government of Iraq for maintaining security of diplomatic sites in the country, Zarif asked for Iraq’s energetic effort to identify perpetrators of such illegal activities, Press TV reported.

The Iraqi foreign minister, for his part, expressed regret over such violent measures while highlighting the Iraqi government’s commitment to maintain security of diplomatic facilities and foreign diplomats.

He added that the Iraqi government has ordered enhanced security arrangements to prevent the repetition of the incident.

On Sunday night, attackers attempted to set fire to the Iranian consulate, as they gathered outside the consulate burning tires and several trailers parked outside, according to police and videos circulating online.