Iranian, Turkish Presidents Discuss Concerted Action against Israeli Crimes

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The presidents of Iran and Turkey stressed the need for international condemnation of the Zionist regime’s crimes against people of Palestine.

In a telephone conversation with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday, President Hassan Rouhani said Iran and Turkey, as two major and influential countries in the region, should join hands and employ the capacities of international organizations, such as the UN and the OIC, to counter the Zionist regime’s atrocities and crimes against Palestine.

Stressing the need for closer cooperation between Tehran and Ankara in the settlement of regional crises, as in Syria and Yemen, Rouhani said, “The continuation of such cooperation within the framework of the Astana Process talks could help accelerate the resolution of crises.”

For his part, the Turkish president said he is outraged by and worried about the Israeli regime’s crimes and recent attacks against Palestine.

The international community must show strong and deterrent reaction to the brazen Israeli attacks, Erdogan added, saying it is necessary for the Muslim world to take united action in this regard.  

The Turkish leader also pointed to an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation that was held via videoconference today, expressing hope that an appropriate decision would be made to end the ruthless Israeli crimes and massacre of people.

Israel has been bombarding the blockaded Gaza Strip for the past several days.

At least 139 Palestinians, including 39 children and 22 women, have been killed and about 1,000 others injured since Monday.