Resistance Groups Thank Leader for Supporting Palestinian Cause

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – In separate letters to Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, several Palestinian resistance groups thanked the Leader of the Islamic Revolution for his stances on supporting the cause of Palestine, including those expressed in a recent speech on the occasion of the International Quds Day.

In their letters and messages on Monday, five Palestinian resistance groups and movements lauded the position taken by the Islamic Republic and Ayatollah Khamenei on supporting the resistance of the Palestinian people and rejecting the recognition of the Zionist regime.

The groups stressed their resolve to continue anti-Israel resistance until the final freedom of Jerusalem al-Quds, noting that statements made by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution during his Quds Day speech delineate the roadmap to the liberation of Palestine.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Fatah al-Intifada group, Palestinian Popular Struggle Front and the Palestinian Forces Coalition commended the role of Iran as the axis of unity and resistance among Muslim countries.

They hailed the role of Iran's top anti-terror commander, Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, who was assassinated alongside his companions in a US drone strike in Iraq in January 2020, in keeping the Palestinian cause alive.

In his address on the occasion of the International Quds Day, Ayatollah Khamenei said Israel is not a country but a terrorist base against the people of Palestine and other Muslim nations.

"Since the first day, the Zionists turned the usurped Palestine into a terrorist base. Israel is not a country, rather it is a terrorist camp against the Palestinian nation and other Muslim nations," the Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei added that the issue of Palestine continues to be the most important and active issue for the Islamic Ummah collectively.

"The policies of the oppressive and cruel capitalism have driven a people out of their homes, their homeland and their ancestral roots and instead, it has installed a terrorist regime and has housed a foreign people therein," he said.

"Fighting against this despotic regime is fighting against oppression and terrorism. And this is a collective responsibility," Ayatollah Khamenei added.