Palestinians Continue Protests against Israeli Crimes in Nablus, Jenin (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Palestinians in West Bank cities of Jenin and Nablus have intensified protests and clashes against Israeli crimes.

After intense protests in east Jerusalem (al-Quds) and angry clashes at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound with Israeli police that left hundreds wounded, conflict escalated dramatically in Gaza last week.

Now residents of the West Bank, have likewise resorted to angry protest, in a display of solidarity with besieged Gazans.

Across the West Bank -- from Al Khalil to Ramallah, to Bethlehem, Nablus and the Jenin refugee camp in the north -- young people spend their days and nights in furious protest against Israeli forces, hurling rocks amid crackling gunfire.

In Jenin, people also took out in protest, in some cases clashes with Israeli forces, in show of support for ‘Palestinian Cause’, while holding portrait photos of martyrs who were killed in past clashes with the Israeli army.

Exclusive videos obtained by Tasnim’s correspondent show Palestinian youths in clashes with the Zionist occupying forces in Nablus and Jenin.