Envoy Says UK Must Take Responsibility for Its Role in Palestine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – UK Palestinian ambassador Husam Zomlot called on Britain to take responsibility for the situation in Palestine during a heated interview on Channel 4 News.

He agreed he believe Britain held responsibility for the Balfour Declaration Treaty of 1917 and its resulting consequences.

When asked by host Krishnan Guru-Murthy what he thought Britain should do to make amends, he said: "I want a clear commitment by the UK government, not by words, but by deeds to fix this, to fix the mess that was created here."

"Number one, the recognition of the State of Palestine — what are they waiting for? This is long overdue, this is our right and their obligation."

He continued, "Number two, enforce your law; the UK law, which clearly stipulates that exporting guns and weapons, arms to a country that violates human rights is illegal — under your law, under international law. Arms embargo immediately."

"Number three, do not import settlement products. It is illegal, and you as the UK describe it as illegal."

He also called on the UK to back Palestine in using international organizations such as the International Criminal Court (ICC) to hold Israel to account for its actions and prevent further war crimes.

He then called on the UK to join the Palestinians in creating international momentum to hold Israel responsible for its actions in Palestine.

"This lip service to the two-state solution, these statements that 'we are so sad about the death toll', we no longer believe it."

Since 13 April, the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories has exploded following brutal attacks carried out by the Israeli police and settlers in occupied Jerusalem al-Quds, particularly against Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, in an attempt to evict 12 Palestinian families from their homes to be handed over to settlers.

Tensions in the Gaza Strip then dramatically escalated after Israel launched a massive military operation on May 10, resulting in massacres and widespread destruction of buildings and infrastructure.

The brutal Israeli aggression against Gaza and Palestinian Authority-controlled territories has resulted in the deaths of 274 people, including 70 children, 40 women and 17 elderly people. More than 8,900 have been injured, 90 of whom are in critical condition.