At Least Ten People Killed in Bomb Blasts in Kabul

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Three bombs went off in the Afghan capital Kabul late Tuesday, killing at least ten people, an Afghan government spokesperson said.

Two bombs exploded in quick succession in separate locations of a west Kabul neighborhood, killing at least 10 people and wounding a dozen others, said deputy Interior Ministry spokesperson Said Hamid Rushan.

A third bomb heavily damaged an electrical grid station in north Kabul, said Sangar Niazai, a spokesperson for the government power supply department, AP reported.

The initial two bombings, both targeting minivans, happened in a mostly ethnic Hazara area of the capital, said Rushan.

The first exploded near the home of a prominent Hazara leader, Mohammad Mohaqiq, and in front of a Shiite mosque. Most Hazaras are Shiites. The second bomb also targeted a minivan but Rushan said details were still being collected.

Police cordoned off the two areas and investigators were sifting through the rubble.

No one claimed responsibility for the bombings.

However, the Daesh affiliate operating in Afghanistan previously took responsibility for several attacks in May on power supply stations in Kabul and in several other provinces.

On May 8, a car bomb and two roadside bombs exploded outside the Syed-al-Shahada girls school, also in a predominantly Hazara neighborhood, killing nearly 90 people, many of them students. No one has yet claimed that attack.