Israeli Police Attack Palestinians Running to Protest Expulsions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Israeli forces attacked Palestinians taking part in rallies in condemnation of the Zionist regime’s settlement activities in the occupied West Bank and potential evictions of Palestinian families from their homes in neighborhoods of al-Quds (Jerusalem).

Some 113 Palestinians taking part in an anti-settlement rally on Sobeih Mountain in Beita town, south of the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, were injured in clashes with Israeli forces on Friday.

According to the Palestine Red Crescent Society, 16 of injured were shot with live ammunition, while 20 were wounded when Israeli forces fired rubber bullets at them.

Meanwhile, four of the injured were physically attacked by the Israeli forces, the Palestine Red Crescent Society said, adding 73 cases of suffocation caused by inhaling tear gas were among the injuries.

Local sources said Israeli forces used a drone to fire tear gas at protesters in Beita, Press TV reported.

The rally came as settlers have recently established a settlement outpost on the mountain under the protection of Israeli forces.

Israeli forces also attacked Palestinians in the village of Ni’lin, west of Ramallah City, on Friday, leaving two Palestinians hit with live bullets.

Also on Friday, Israeli forces attacked “Jerusalem (al-Quds) Marathon” which began from the entrance to the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah to the Batn al-Hawa district in the village of Silwan in Jerusalem al-Quds in solidarity with dozens of Palestinian families threatened with evictions in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan.

The Israeli attack left at least 23 Palestinians injured, the Palestine Red Crescent Society said.

More than 600,000 Israelis live in over 230 settlements built since the 1967 Israeli occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem (al-Quds).

All Israeli settlements are illegal under international law as they are built on occupied land. The United Nations Security Council has condemned Israel’s settlement activities in the occupied territories in several resolutions.