Iran Deplores IAEA’s Unilateral Attitude after Grossi’s Report

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s ambassador to the Vienna-based international organizations criticized the IAEA chief’s unilateral stances on Tehran’s cooperation with the UN nuclear agency, warning of harmful impacts on such an interaction in future.

“The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Secretary-General (Rafael Grossi)’s recent positions reflect the IAEA Secretariat’s unilateral attitude towards the cooperation with Iran, and ignorance of the level of the bilateral cooperation,” Kazem Gharibabadi told the media in early Tuesday.

“This can develop into an obstacle in the way of future interaction between the two sides,” the envoy noted, Press TV reported.

Grossi on Monday claimed that the watchdog’s ability to continue to verify the “peaceful nature” of Iran’s nuclear energy program could be affected seriously as a result of, what he called, “lack of progress” in clarification of the agency’s “questions” about the country’s nuclear work.

He also alleged that Iran had not lived up to its pledges of cooperating with the watchdog.

The agency has faced the Islamic Republic with questions concerning alleged presence of nuclear material in four “undeclared locations.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Gharibabadi regretted that the IAEA report did not reconcile with the history of Iran and IAEA’s cooperation. “The report is neither reliable because it is based on unreliable sources, nor is it convincible since it does not reflect the full aspect of the cooperation and the achievements that have been made,” he said.

“Constructive cooperation requires a positive environment as well as avoidance of prejudgment and expression of bogus concerns,” the envoy said.

The agency has to avoid all sorts of political agendas, he emphasized, demanding that the body instead take the Israeli regime to task for its harboring the Middle East’s only military nuclear program and evading subscription to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).