Iran's Special Envoy Meets Afghan Officials Ahead of Pakistan Trip

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry's special envoy for Afghanistan held talks with senior Afghan authorities in Kabul before traveling to Pakistan.

The Iranian envoy, Mohammad Ebrahim Taherian, held talks with Chairman of Afghanistan’s High Council for National Reconciliation (HCNR) Abdullah Abdullah and Afghan Foreign Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar in Kabul on Wednesday.

In the meetings, the Iranian envoy and the Afghan officials talked about the latest developments in Afghanistan, stressing the need for continued consultations between Tehran and Kabul.

The meetings took place ahead of Taherian’s trip to Pakistan, where he is going to discuss the political and security developments in neighboring Afghanistan.

The Iranian diplomat is visiting Islamabad with a political delegation at the invitation of Pakistani prime minister’s special envoy for Afghanistan, Mohammad Sadiq.

Iranian officials maintain that the intra-Afghan negotiations should include all Afghan groups and be held in accordance with the Constitution of Afghanistan.