Leader Receives First Dose of Iranian-Made Coronavirus Vaccine (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei received the first dose of domestically-developed COVIran Barekat coronavirus vaccine on Friday.

The Leader had previously set two conditions for using the coronavirus vaccine: first, that he would not receive the vaccination out of turn; second, that he would only receive an Iranian vaccine. For this reason, when the first phase of the vaccination of Iranians aged 80 and above started, he did not receive the foreign vaccine and waited for the Iranian one.


The Islamic Republic of Iran is the sixth country, after India, China, Britain, the United States, and Russia, and the first country in West Asia, to gain the ability to produce the coronavirus vaccine. Presently, there are several companies and centers researching and developing domestic vaccines. Due to the fact that two of the domestic vaccines have successfully passed the clinical, safety and efficacy trials, voluntarily receiving injections of them has started.

Human injection of the first phase of clinical studies of the first coronavirus vaccine, made by Iranian researchers called COVIran Barekat, began on December 29, 2020.

Iranian scientists and experts have succeeded in developing several vaccines against the coronavirus, despite the cruel sanctions imposed by the US.