President Urges Compliance with Protocols to Avoid New COVID Wave in Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called for the strict observance of the health protocols and the coronavirus restrictions in order to avert a fifth wave of the pandemic in the country.

In a Thursday meeting with the heads of the specialized committees of the Coronavirus Fight National Headquarters, President Rouhani was given a report on the high rate of spread of the Delta variant of coronavirus.

The president then emphasized that compliance with the health instructions is still the best way to control and combat the pandemic and prevent a new wave in the country.

Stressing the need for the full observance of the health protocols by the people and the application of serious and accurate supervision, the president urged the supervisory bodies in charge to handle the situation carefully.

Regarding the vaccination program, the president unveiled plans to deal with the shortage of vaccine by importing foreign products and using the homegrown vaccines that have obtained public injection licenses.

He also noted that the vaccination program will go on according to the national document and priorities, promising that the target groups will be vaccinated by the end of his administration’s term.

over 23.7 million coronavirus diagnostic tests have been carried out in Iran so far and more than 4.42 million people have received the first dose of coronavirus vaccine.

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