Supply of COVID Vaccine Improving in Iran: President

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the national vaccination program against the coronavirus is gathering pace with the import of foreign vaccines and development of domestic ones.

Speaking at a Saturday meeting of the Coronavirus Fight National Headquarters, Rouhani said the process of importing COVID vaccines from abroad and producing homegrown vaccine continues to improve.

Iran has purchased 16.8 million doses of vaccine through the World Health Organization's COVAX (COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access) program, while the delivery of a large portion of those vaccines has been overdue, he noted.

The president also stressed the need for strict compliance with the health protocols until at least the end of the current Iranian year (March 2022), whether the people have received vaccines or not.

Observing the protocols, vaccination, and hope are the three main factors in the battle against the pandemic, the president said, warning that disregard for the protocols will increase the number of towns categorized as red zones.

On Thursday, Rouhani said the vaccination program will go on according to the national document and priorities, promising that the target groups will be vaccinated by the end of his administration’s term.

Over 23.8 million coronavirus diagnostic tests have been carried out in Iran so far and more than 4.44 million people have received the first dose of coronavirus vaccine.

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