Cuban President Blames Woes on US

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez pointed the finger of blame at the US for economic problems in his country that have triggered protests, calling on people to take to the streets to reaffirm support for the revolution.

In an address broadcast by the state TV, the Cuban president denounced the participation of the US administration in the political destabilization actions that are taking place against Cuba, and which have intensified, particularly during the pandemic.

He also pointed to the mounting economic, commercial and financial pressures against Cuba in 2020 and 2021 with the purpose of suffocating its economy, saying the US has intensified the blockade with a series of restrictive measures against Cuba’s energy sector.

The US seeks to suffocate Cuba’s economy, provoke massive social unrest, and pave the way for calls for a humanitarian intervention ending in military interference, he warned, saying such intervention will affect the rights, sovereignty and independence of all Cuban people.

The Cuban president also noted that the US sanctions on the country have cut off “two important elements: the ability to export and the ability to invest resources."

He also listed the limitations on fuel and spare parts, which have caused a level of dissatisfaction, coupled with accumulated problems which are linked to a fierce media and unconventional war that tries to fracture the unity of Cuba.

"We call on all revolutionaries to take to the streets to defend the Revolution in all places," said Díaz-Canel.

"We are not going to hand over the sovereignty, or the independence of this nation," he underlined.