Iran’s President-Elect Condoles with Iraq over Deadly Hospital Fire

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President-elect Ebrahim Raeisi offered condolences to Iraq over a recent tragedy that afflicted a hospital in the southern Iraqi city of Nasiriya in which a raging blaze killed scores of people.

Raeisi said in a message that he received the news of the tragic incident at Imam Hussein (AS) Hospital in the city of Nasiriya with great sadness and sorrow.

He offered his condolences to the government and people of Iraq over the tragedy, praying for Divine blessings for the victims and patience for their families and wishing a speedy recovery for those injured in the fire.

Late on Monday night, a fast-spreading blaze tore through the new isolation ward at the Imam Hussein (AS)  Teaching Hospital in Nasiriya. The fire continued until early Tuesday, marking the second such tragedy in the Arab country in less than three months.

So far, 124 people have been confirmed dead, according to the Iraqi Civil Defense Center. Iraqi officials also said that more than 100 people were injured in the blaze.