Iran to Spare No Effort to Help Lebanon amid Economic Woes: Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry assured the Lebanese people of Tehran’s preparedness to provide whatever assistance it can in dealing with the economic pressures.

Asked by reporters about Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri’s decision to abandon efforts to form a new government, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh said at a press conference on Monday that it is the people of Lebanon who should decide their country’s fate.

“We have never backed off from offering help to the Lebanese sides, including the government, groups and parties, and have provided assistance whenever they have requested,” the spokesman added.

Iran has expressed readiness to help the Lebanese people in the struggle against the economic pressures, Khatibzadeh stated, stressing that Tehran will spare no effort to help Lebanon.

“What is important is that the political dialogue -that reflects the maturity of people of Lebanon- would yield results on the political path, and that the (Lebanese) government would be formed as soon as possible,” the Iranian diplomat added.

Hariri stepped down on Thursday after failing to form a government for over the past eight months.

Hariri said he selected his candidates based on their expertise and their ability to reform the economy, but President Michel Aoun rejected them.

Following Hariri’s resignation, the Lebanese pound hit a new all-time low exceeding 21,000 to the US dollar.

The lira has now lost 90 percent of its value, effectively evaporating the savings of hundreds of thousands of families. At least half of Lebanon’s population has slipped into poverty, while food inflation is at more than 400 percent.