US Attempting to Foment Discord among Afghans, Velayati Warns

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary-General of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening bemoaned the massive havoc that the US military invasion has wreaked on Afghanistan, warning that Americans are maliciously trying to create division among Afghans despite their humiliating pullout from the country.

A virtual conference, entitled ‘Afghanistan, Peace and Sustainable Security’, was held in Tehran on Monday under the auspices of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening.

In an online speech to the conference, Velayati reaffirmed Iran’s commitment to supporting the Afghan nation on the path to peace, security and development.

He also lauded the Afghan people for their courageous struggle against the Western and Eastern occupiers and aggressors over the past decades.

Velayati noted that 20 years of US occupation of Afghanistan after a military campaign with the deployment of thousands of troops and spending billions of dollars has only resulted in heavy damages on Afghanistan and major catastrophes.

In spite of its initial delusions, the US is humiliatingly withdrawing from Afghanistan, although it is still seeking to destroy whatever has remained in Afghanistan, he stated.

The Iranian official also warned that the US is making evil provocations to create discord among the noble people of Afghanistan.

“However, the elites and educated individuals of Afghanistan are aware of their (Americans’) evil intention and will thwart those plots,” he stressed.

Velayati blamed the bloody wars among various Afghan groups and ethnicities over the past 40 years on foreign provocation, calling for vigilance in order to strengthen fraternity among the parties that have lived in friendship and peaceful co-existence for thousands of years.

Earlier this month, the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs played host to a round of intra-Afghan negotiations involving representatives of the Kabul government and the Taliban.

The gathering was attended by the representative of the Afghan government, the top figures supporting the Republic system in Afghanistan, and a high-ranking political delegation of the Taliban.

The two-day intra-Afghan talks ended on July 8 with a 6-clause statement. The parties attending the talks acknowledged the threats of prolonged war in Afghanistan and the consequent damages to their country.

They also agreed in the statement that war is not a solution to the problems of Afghanistan and called for collective efforts to achieve a political and peaceful solution.