Anti-Iran Sanctions Doomed to Failure: Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the outgoing Iranian administration advised the US to learn lessons from the past and come to the understanding that all sanctions at any level against Iran will result in failure.

In a written response to questions asked at a weekly presser on Tuesday, Ali Rabiee said the past years have proven that any level of sanctions against Iran is doomed to failure and no fresh sanction would lead to any new result other than the previous repeated defeats.

“As a result, we hope the US administration would’ve learned the lessons of the previous (American) administration well and would not fall into the trap of wrong and destructive analyses and interpretations,” he added.

Iran reaffirms that all parties to the 2015 nuclear deal should fully honor their commitments under the agreement, the spokesman stated, noting that Tehran will not approve of any other issue being subject to negotiations.

“Talking and even thinking about negotiations beyond the JCPOA would be meaningless as long as the US and the other members of 4+1 have not fulfilled all of their commitments,” Rabiee added, stressing that such a basic policy of Iran would not change under different administrations.

Last week, an Iranian parliamentarian said the framework of the negotiations on the revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) will not change once the administration of Iranian President-elect Ebrahim Raeisi takes office.

Raeisi won the June 18 presidential election by winning nearly 62 percent of the votes and will take office as Iran’s eighth president in August.