Afghans Must Decide Own Fate without Foreign Interference: Iran’s President Raeisi

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The new president of Iran called for close cooperation with Pakistan to help resolve the problems of people in neighboring Afghanistan, stressing that Afghans should settle their own fate through peaceful and negotiated solutions and without the interference of outsiders.

In a meeting with the chairman of the Senate of Pakistan, held in Tehran on Wednesday, President Ebrahim Raeisi voiced concern about the tensions and insecurity in Afghanistan.

Stressing the need for cooperation between Tehran and Islamabad to ensure peace and sustainable security in Afghanistan, the new Iranian president said, “The conditions of Afghan people are worrying. We should prevent further harms to those Muslim people through mutual cooperation.”

“The fate of Afghanistan must be decided without the interference of aliens, by the Afghans themselves, through the course of dialogue, and peacefully,” he underscored.

President Raeisi then deplored the US intervention in Afghanistan, saying the presence of Americans has not resulted in the settlement of problems anywhere in the world, but has even created more problems.

He then hailed the close relations between Iran and Pakistan that are based upon ideological and cultural bonds, calling for efforts to promote the bilateral ties to serve the interest of the two nations and the region.

For his part, Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani likened Pakistan and Iran to a single soul in two bodies which enjoy brotherly ties, expressing confidence that the mutual cooperation will grow dramatically in all fields during President Raeisi’s tenure.

The Pakistani Senate speaker highlighted the American failure to ensure security in Afghanistan, slamming the US as the root cause of insecurity in various regions.

Sanjrani also called on the new Iranian president to push for closer coordination among the Muslim nations to establish regional peace and security.