IRGC Chief Cautions Israeli PM against Making Threats

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – IRGC Commander Major General Hossein Salami warned the Zionist regime’s prime minister to be mindful of the consequences of his threats against the Islamic Republic, saying Iran’s defense and offense power is fit for a harsh response to every enemy.

During a visit to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Navy units on the southern coasts of Iran on Wednesday, General Salami shrugged off the Israeli regime’s rhetoric of action against the Islamic Republic.

The top commander warned Tel Aviv that the IRGC’s response to the threats would not be diplomatic, but will take place in the field.

“Those who speak against us with a language of threats -including the Zionist regime’s prime minister and other officials of that regime- must be mindful of the dangerous consequences of their comments and exercise the necessary caution in their calculations,” General Salami warned.

He advised the Zionist regime to realize the reality of Iran and the IRGC’s offense and defense power, saying the Islamic Republic’s defensive strategies are such that Iran does not tolerate any hostile action from any enemy, at any place and with any magnitude, and will show decisive and tough reactions.

Iran’s offense and defense power is fit for harsh response to every enemy, the commander said, adding, “We are prepared for every scenario.”

The IRGC’s missiles, air defense systems, naval units, drones and ground forces have such an “extraordinary level of preparedness” that they can deal with any threat with any magnitude and in any location, he stressed.

Major General Salami warned the enemies that they cannot threaten Iran’s forces or interests without facing a reaction.

His comments came after Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett issued a warning to Iran, following a drone attack on a ship with ties to Israel in the Gulf of Oman, which the Zionist regime and the US have blamed on Iran.

A senior spokesman for the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces has denounced media stories about maritime security in the Sea of Oman as part of a psychological war that could be paving the way for new adventurism.