Iranian Foreign Minister Discusses Ties with Kuwaiti Counterpart in Tehran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his Kuwaiti counterpart Ahmed Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Sabah addressed bilateral ties in a meeting in Tehran on Tuesday, as well as the present regional situation, and other subjects of mutual concern.

A delegation led by Kuwait's senior diplomat visited the country on Thursday to take part in the swearing-in ceremony of new Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

In his meeting with Zarif on Thursday, Kuwait's foreign minister conveyed his congratulations on Raeisi’s Inaugurated as Iran’s 8th President, reiterating Kuwait City's determination to further expanding all-out relations with Tehran.

He also called for more consultations between the two countries on regional and international issues.

The Kuwaiti official lauded Zarif’s endeavors over the past eight years, and described as significant the initiatives put forward by Iran to boost regional cooperation in the Persian Gulf region.

Zarif, for his part, praised the respectful, cordial and close relations between Iran and Kuwait, and reviewed the extensive efforts made to enhance reciprocal ties.

He also announced that new Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is to work towards boosting relations with Iran’s neighboring countries within the framework of Tehran’s definitive policy.