US Forces Evacuate around 2,000 People from Afghanistan over Past Day

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The US armed forces and their allies on Saturday evacuated about 2,000 people from Kabul, a report said on Sunday citing sources in the White House.

The sources, according to Reuters, said some 2,000 people were evacuated on Saturday.

The situation in Afghanistan escalated after in April US President Joe Biden announced his decision to end the military operation in the republic.

After that, the Taliban increased the pace of the offensive and on August 15 without a fight established full control over Kabul. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani left the country.

Many states are evacuating their citizens and embassy staff. The Taliban ordered all foreign forces to leave Afghanistan by August 31, otherwise their presence, according to representatives of the movement, would be considered a continuation of the occupation.

Units of the US Armed Forces were sent to the Kabul airport to ensure the evacuation of US citizens, citizens of US allies and refugees from Afghanistan. The US authorities intend to complete the evacuation operation on time - by August 31.