Iran Urges Europe to Adopt Tactful Stances, Honor JCPOA

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian deplored the US’ illegal withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal and Europe’s failure to fulfill the JCPOA commitments, calling on the European states to act constructively and resume honoring the nuclear agreement.

In a telephone conversation with his French counterpart Jean-Yves Le Drian on Wednesday, Amirabdollahian said the US’s illegal measures and the European countries’ inaction on the American lawlessness are responsible for the current unfavorable situation that surrounds the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

The Iranian foreign minister asserted that the US, through its departure from the agreement, and its resumption of the oppressive sanctions against “the great Iranian nation,” and the European side due to its refusal to take action on the American violations had brought about the status quo concerning the agreement.

“Unfortunately, the current American ruling structure, despite its previous claims, is minded to use the illegal sanctions as instruments of pressure on the Islamic Republic,” he added.

“It, however, should know this that we do not surrender in the face of such pressures,” Amirabdollahian noted, and also advised that Europe start playing a constructive role by adopting tactful positions in the area.

The Iranian foreign minister, therefore, urged both to fully resume their commitments under the agreement.

“Based on this, the Islamic Republic would be prepared to take part in negotiations that would bring along tangible results towards the provision of the Iranian nations' rights and interests,” he stated, Press TV reported.

Elsewhere in the conversation, the senior Iranian diplomat said foreign powers’ interventionist policies are responsible for the crises that have engulfed the region.

The current Iranian government “prioritizes relations with the country’s neighbors,” he said, adding, “There is an indigenous and intra-regional solution to regional stability, and any interventionist and irresponsible behavior could stoke further disturbance throughout the region.”

Le Drian, for his part, expressed hoped that negotiations between Tehran and Paris would lead to the resumption and fruition of the nuclear talks as well as reinforcement of stability and security in the region.

The senior diplomats also laid emphasis on the creation of an all-inclusive government in Afghanistan.

The two sides agreed to continue their talks concerning the issues that were discussed during the conversation.